- ... VCO-MMIC0.1
- Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit.
- ... valleys2.1
- In this context, the zinc-blende
structure of GaN will be considered. For a detailed description of
GaN band structures, see section 3.1.2.
- ... mass2.2
- For GaAs, electrons in L-
valley have an effective mass of
and in
-valley of
- ... conserved2.3
- Considering
(2.10) is 0 and the current is
- ... resistance2.4
is a
resistance per unit area [
- ... reached2.5
- Think of 140 electric irons on a
T-shirt of one
- ... conduction2.6
- Only the
stationary solution are considered (
). The convection and the irradiation flow are
not relevant for the Gunn device.
- ... conductivity2.7
- Further on
is assumed as a scalar value (isotropic condition),
constant with temperature and pressure.
- ... (Siemens)3.1
- Goryunova described
III-V materials as semiconductors for the first time in 1950. In
her Ph.D. thesis, completed in 1951 at Leningrad State University,
she indicated that III-V zinc-blend compounds are semiconductors.
Due to the Cold War, her work was published outside the U.S.S.R.
much later.
- ... RHEED3.2
Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction
- ... potential4.1
- From Eq. (4.18), if
- ... LRRM4.2
- Line Reflect Reflect Match: it requires
calibration standards kits with loads, shorts and through
- ... Chart4.3
- The Smith Chart was developed by Phillip H. Smith in 1937 to ease
his RF design work in Bell Labs.
- ... lossless4.4
- Most transmission lines have losses low enough for this assumption to hold.
- ...#tex2html_wrap_inline17060#4.5
- The Smith Chart relies on normalized
- ... mesa5.1
- The area of the mesa is
proportionally related to the diode maximum current. The
inaccuracy in defining the diode mesa prevents the fulfilment of
the design specification.
- ... evaporated5.2
- It has been
noticed that 10 seconds in situ sputtering before the metal
evaporation improves further the contact quality.
- ...
- Before plating the Ti layer is removed with HF.
- ... 2ppm6.1
- Maximum failure rate
per year in part per million.
- ... oscillators6.2
- A variable frequency oscillator,
whose frequency is varied by means of an applied control voltage,
is called voltage-controlled-oscillator (VCO)
- ...
- Frequency pushing is a measure of the sensitivity
of the VCO output frequency to supply voltage, usually expressed
in [MHz/V].
- ... VCO-MMIC7.1
- Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit.