The fabrication technology for planar GaAs and GaN Gunn diodes
was developed and optimized. The GaAs Gunn diode structures were
grown by MBE on 2-inch semi-insulating GaAs substrates in a Varian
ModGen II machine and the GaN structures by MOVPE on 2-inch substrates in an AIXTRON reactor at the Institute of Thin
Films and Interfaces of Forschungszentrum Jülich. After the
epitaxial growth,
deep mesas have been
processed. Dry etching has been chosen, because it allows an exact
definition of the mesa, prevents unwanted under-etching and
provides smooth and nearly vertical side-walls. The demand of deep
mesas required high etch rates, which were achieved with a
chlorine based ECR Reactive Ion Etching. In the case of GaN,
standard Ti etching masks have been replaced by Ni ones,
improving the etching selectivity five times. Self-aligned emitter
and collector contacts have been deposited and alloyed. The
devices have been electrically isolated with a wet chemical
etching or Ar ion sputtering down to the semi-isolating substrate.
The problem of the top contact (emitter) wiring was solved via
low-parasitic air-bridges or with a top contact planarization, on
which direct metal connections are deposited. By means of finite
elemente temperature simulations, it has been demonstrated that
the air-bridge choice improves dramatically the cooling of the
diodes. The heat generated inside the active region of a Gunn
diode corresponds to power densities higher than
for GaAs and
for GaN. A heat-sink
is required to cool the active region and to improve the
performance and the reliability of the device. In typical Gunn
diodes, the substrate is removed and a gold heat-sink is plated to
the bottom contact. The airbridge technology showed up to be a
valid alternative to the bottom heat-sink, which is not compatible
with a planar process.
During this work, two different hot electron injectors for GaAs
Gunn diode have been examined: a graded gap injector (GGI) and a
novel resonant tunneling injector (RTI). The main task of a hot
electron injector is to transfer as many electrons as possible
from the -valley to the L-valley at the very beginning of
the device active region.
Within the framework of the cooperation project between
Forschungzentrum Jülich and Robert Bosch GmbH [Pro04],
GGI GaAs Gunn diodes have been studied and optimized. High quality
planar GGI Gunn diodes have been fabricated using an air-bridge
low-parasitic planar technology. RF evaluation of their
performance up to 110 GHz shows the effectiveness of different
graded gap injectors. The best results were found for graded
AlGaAs barriers with maximum Al contents of 32% and 34%. An
estimation of the possible operational modes is given for diodes
used as microwave generators at 77 GHz, with application in
automotive radar systems.
A second hot electron injector, the GaAs/AlAs double barrier
resonant tunnelling injector has been proposed and designed. The
RTI has been numerically simulated employing self-consistent
real-time Green's functions [IM], in order to match the
first transmission energy level for the given current density
range (
) to the energy gap between the
L- and the
-valley. GaAs Gunn diodes with RTI have been
successfully fabricated and characterized. RTI Gunn diodes present
clear evidence of the injector effectiveness both in DC and RF
conditions. A comparison between the experimental results of
traditional GGI Gunn diodes and novel RTI Gunn diodes is provided,
pointing out the role of the two injectors in DC and at high
The design, processing and characterization of a novel GaAs Gunn
diode based VCO-MMIC7.1 fulfilled the second
objective of this work. A good integration of a planar GGI Gunn
diode with a CPW resonator, a periodic slow-wave low-pass filter
and interdigitated HF coupler resulted in a compact size. A
maximal power of
reported. Further increase of the power output should be achieved
by increasing the Gunn diode area and connecting the device top
contacts with thick airbridges. A simple and straightforward
processing technology makes our proposed microwave generator
competitive with cavity oscillators and transistor based MMICs.
While the processing of the GaN Gunn diodes has been successfully completed, the measurement results of the fabricated diodes should be considered as preliminary. However, during the processing work, some new interesting results for nanoelectronic devices have been obtained. Our early GaN etching tests demonstrated the possibility to fabricate GaN nanocolumns with a simple and reproducible method. Among different types of nanostructures, the nanowires and nanotubes appeared to be extremely interesting as building blocks for nanoelectronics. In our novel top down approach, the nanowhiskers were processed via ECR-RIE etching GaN layers grown by MOVPE. With the advantage of a physical etching, nanocolumns with arbitrary doping concentration as well as thin AlN layer can be fabricated.
simone montanari 2005-08-02